At 91 years old, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI calls us all to contemplative prayer
Published on Catholic News Agency A book from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI entitled “Teaching and Learning the Love of God:...
Published on Catholic News Agency A book from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI entitled “Teaching and Learning the Love of God:...
Published on Foxnews.com A couple of events over the past few weeks brought to mind two towering people who had...
Permission to Republish granted, with attribution, by author I am a Catholic Christian who grew up in Boston, Massachusetts,...
CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH Letter Placuit Deo To the Bishops of the Catholic Church On Certain Aspects...
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for...
Published on THE STREAM My senator, Virginia senator Tim Kaine, is running for reelection. Most people in the rest of...
Catholic Online's Editor-in-chief, Deacon Keith Fournier sits down to interview Father Frank Pavone, Warrior Priest for Life.
Published on Catholic Online On December 28 in the Octave of Christmas we commemorate the Feast of the Holy Innocents....
Published on THE STREAM This afternoon I will return from a legal seminar to find neighborhood children at my door...
Published on THE STREAM Editor’s note: This piece is part of our series on Christian Unity. On October 6, 2017,...