Exposing the Bizarro World of Planned Parenthood
Published on THE STREAM
Planned Parenthood has insinuated itself into the delivery of what are euphemistically called “medical services,” which include the intentional killing of children in the womb by abortion. There is nothing reproductive about abortion. Taking innocent human life is not health care. It is not a service to the child, the mother, the father or society. Their website tells visitors they are “America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care”.
Really? Ask the victims. Sorry, you can’t.
When I see the smiling face of its President, Cecile Richards, I remember my childhood spent reading Superman comics and the Bizarro world. Some of my readers remember the strange upside down world of the Bizarros. They inhabited a planet called “Htrae” (“Earth” spelled backwards). Their code was “Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!” Planned Parenthood promotes a new Bizarro world where killing children in the womb is called a “right.”
The organization is being defunded on the state level. However, the Obama administration is threatening those States. A just federal administration would defund Planned Parenthood. But not in this new Bizarro world. Planned Parenthood charges women for killing their children, and the women deceived are the second victims. Their “Doctors” use surgical strikes, suction devices or “medication abortion” (chemical weapons) to intentionally kill children — and then they are paid for that evil act.
Every person began their life in the sanctuary of the womb. No one can any longer claim that the child in the womb is not a human life. We surgically operate on them and send their 4D sonogram images around in greeting cards. Yet, the sonogram is also used to guide the killer in Planned Parenthood “clinics.” The only argument left is that some counterfeit “right” entitles the woman to make a “personal health decision” which always ends the life of an innocent child. We would never make the same argument about killing a one-year-old child. There is no moral difference.
Dependency is not a sound defense of abortion; we are always dependent on one another. Stages of development are not a defense; we are all always developing. The me of twenty years old is the same me at 61. The time thresholds of “viability” in the Supreme Court’s Roe and Doe decisions keep being pushed back as science confirms what our consciences have known all along, these children are our neighbors and it is wrong to kill innocent neighbors.
Procured abortion is also a violation of our obligation in solidarity. We are responsible for one another and have a special obligation to the poor. These children in the womb were called the “poorest of the poor” by the late Mother Teresa. Our civil law has rejected their Natural Law Right to Life. Until the civil law is changed, our tax dollars must not be used to fund Planned Parenthood……..
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