Living Liturgically as Catholic Christians
Published on Catholic News Agency Our Catholic liturgical year follows a rhythmic cycle which points us toward beginnings and ends....
Published on Catholic News Agency Our Catholic liturgical year follows a rhythmic cycle which points us toward beginnings and ends....
Jesus asked that question of his disciples. And we are his contemporary disciples, and he's asking us today. The encounter...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKYczQIakw4&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop The early followers of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch - that means followers of Christ, followers of...
Throughout most of the Catholic Church around the world we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday. In some...
Published on Catholic Online. Permission to republish is granted On the centennial of the Apparition of Mary, the Mother of...
Published on Catholic.org In the Gospel of Luke, the Apostle recounts the story of the disciples walking along the road...
Published on Catholic Online. Permission to re-publish granted The Second Sunday of Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday in the Roman...
On Catholic Online. Permission to republish granted Among the many great treasures of being a Christian is the treasury of...
Published on THE STREAM On Good Friday, we recall the sacrifice offered on the second tree on Golgotha’s Hill. The...
Published on THE STREAM Now it begins, now it all begins.” Franco Zeffirrelli closes his 1977 film Jesus of Nazareth...